benefits of rooibos tea with lemon Tea is a beverage that has been widely known in Indonesia and in the world. Brown is a common beverage into beverage guest host. Fragrant aroma and distinctive taste that makes this drink widely consumed. In addition to the advantages above, there are many substances that have a lot of benefits that are very useful for health.
Benefits of Tea
Benefits include tea as an antioxidant, repairing damaged cells, smooth the skin, slim body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, the blood circulation. So, do not be surprised if this drink is touted as a beverage rich in benefits.
Substances in the tea cup Helpful
Because in addition as soft drinks, tea can also be used as a therapy for health. Any substances contained in tea that made him known as a drink in the rich benefits. Some of the key beneficial substances contained in a cup of tea.
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